
Newsletter Issue 17 (August 2023)
US Elections Still Contested
Postal Ballot Fraud and the Working Class (Abridged Second Edition

Newsletter Issue 16 (July 2023) - Postal Ballot Fraud and the Working Class

Newsletter Issue 15 (September 2022)
Postal Ballot Fraud Still Main Issue at Mid-Term US Elections

The British Grand Jury: From Origins to Abolition
Part 1. From Origins to Magna Carta

Newsletter Issue 14 (December 2020) - US Elections: Fraudsters Discover They Cannot Fool All Of The People All Of The Time

Election Law in Total Chaos

News Circular

Newsletter Issue 13 (November 2017) - Restoring the British Constitution

Newsletter Issue 12 (September 2016) - Brexit: an interpretation of the facts

Newsletter Issue 11 (November 2015) - Why Trial By Jury Must Be Defended; Why Postal Ballots Must Be Counted Separately; CDRSB Program; News Review

Issue 10 (August 2015) - Magna Carta, Common Sense and Postal Ballots

Newsletter Issue 9 (January 2015) - This issue includes the shortened version of our article on Trial by Jury

CDRSB Program

Newsletter Issue 8 (August 2014) - This issue includes articles on Jury Trial and Child Protection

Issue 7 (August 2013) - This issue includes an article on Inheritance Tax

CDRSB Policy 2013

Newsletter Issue 6 (February 2012) - CDRSB Conflict Resolution Strategy

CDRSB Policy 2011

Copyright (2006 - 2011)

Newsletter Issue 5 (December 2010) - Second Conference on International Electoral Standards: Preparatory Statement

Democracy and the Second Amendment (July 2010)

Absentee Ballots on Demand: Lethal to the Democratic Process (2009 Edition)

Cincinnati Proposal (November 2008)

Postal Ballots on Demand: The Democratic Alternative (April 2008)

Newsletter Issue 4 (December 2007) - Progress Report on UNDEF Application

Community of Democratic Nations Convening Group Briefing (July 2006)

International Electoral Standards Conference Report (May 2006)

2003 Iraq Proposals

Newsletter Issue 3 (Summer 2003) - SDRS Iraq Proposals: To Establish Post Conflict Community Action Councils in Iraq

Business Methods (2002)

Policy Guidelines (2002)

Newsletter Issue 2 (Third Quarter 2001) - This issue includes articles on the SDRS Research Proposal, Postal Ballots and UKIP: Is there a hidden agenda?

Newsletter Issue 1 (Second Quarter 2001) - The Aims and Origins of the SDRS -
1994 SDRS Aims and Origins